Wednesday, May 31, 2006

40th Anniversary

It has crept and it has crawled, it has slowly, inexorably, unremittingly made its way and now, it is upon us. The Fortieth Anniversary or, as Kuya Germs and his wards and followers call it: "40th year anniversary". Well, I'm not entertained at all. Forty years is a long time when one stops a bit and thinks about it but, living each day one day at a time, one fails to really notice the milestones as they fade into yesterday. Tomorrow never stops coming and this is just fine with me. I am sure everyone agrees and says, "I'll drink to that!".

I just received a text message from Romy Gabriel saying he just got the text message I sent him ages ago. Well, two weeks ago to be closer to the exact date. Try to Google: XUHS 1966. We are now listed in the search engines courtesy of yours truly.

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